Areas of Work

Support For Palestine

As we all know, Palestine has been experiencing a human tragedy for nearly 100 years!

Following World War I, a policy of settlement emerged in the region where people's lands and homes were taken away, and they were expelled from their countries to settle there.

After World War II, the Jewish people who pursued a settler policy in Palestine continued their occupation on an official basis. Israel, which has maintained its occupation for years, seizes the homes of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and segregates the region for Jewish settlers.

Under years of  Israeli occupation, crimes against humanity are being committed in Palestine, and systematic genocide is being carried out at the same time.

Following developments in 2006, The occupiers imposed a relentless blockade on Gaza, making it the biggest open-air prison in the world. 

Every two years since 2006, 'disproportionate' attacks were executed, targeting living areas and civilians. Because of this, the Palestinian people need our help in many areas such as health, shelter, and food. Years of bombardment continually damage electricity and water networks in the Strip. Also, due to the bombardment, about 10,000 homes in Palestine are without water. In addition, there is no permission for material and fuel entry into Gaza. In the Gaza Strip, where electricity is cut off for hours, hospital services rely on generators due to fuel dependency.

Thousands of children are left orphaned due to the attacks, and people lose their homes and jobs. With unemployment reaching 75-80% in Gaza, the need for humanitarian aid grows every day. We continue to support Palestine and Gaza's survival through our projects.

In addition to these efforts, we support orphan children with education aid and other programs, providing our utmost support to uphold the honorable stance of the Palestinian people.