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How much is my Zakat?

Add your assets and debts to calculate your zakat.
The calculation is made according to the procedures of the Turkish Board of Religious Affairs.  Click for detailed information.

What is zakat, how is it calculated?

Enter all the assets you own during the year into the zakat calculator. This will give you the total amount of zakat you are obliged to pay.

Calculating your zakat is not as difficult as you might think. We find that categorizing your assets into different categories makes the zakat calculation process really simple.

We have divided the calculation process into Zakatableassets1 and Deductible liabilities2 so that you can easily calculate the Zakat you are obliged to pay.

After calculating the value of your net assets, the amount of zakat you need to pay will be determined. Then you need to see if your net assets equal or exceed the Nisab amount.

Gold and silver are the two values used to calculate the Nisab amount. Therefore, the nisab is 80.18 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver.

1 - Zakatable assets: gold, silver, cash, savings, business assets, etc.

2 - Deductible debts: money you owe, other expenses

U.A.E Dirham (UAE)
Australian Dollar (AUD)
Azerbaijan Manat (AZN)
Bulgarian Lev (BGN)
Canadian Dollar (CAD)
Swiss Franc (CHF)
Chinese Yuan (CNY)
Euro (EUR)
Pound Sterling (GBP)
Japanese Yen (JPY)
Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD)
Romanian Leu (RON)
Russian Ruble (RUB)
S. Arabian Riyal (SAR)
US Dollar (USD)
14 K Gold (14)
18 K Gold (18)
currencies.Ata Altın (A) | Cumhuriyet Altını (CMHT)
Ata 2.5 (A25)
Ata Beşli (A5)
currencies.22 Ayar Bilezik (B) | 22 Ayar Gram Altın (GA22)
Quarter Gold (C)
Gremse Altın (G)
24 Carat Gram Gold (GA)
currencies.Hamit Altın (H) | Resat Altın (R)
currencies.Teklik Altın (T) | Tam Altın (TAM)
Half Gold (Y)
Silver (G)
Update Time: 23.02.2025 14:21:00
To whom is Zakat obligatory?
For a person to be obliged to give Zakat, they must be Muslim, free, sane, and have reached puberty; they must have wealth that exceeds their debts and basic needs, which is genuinely or hypothetically productive in nature, and have possessed it for a year.
What is Nisab? How much is it?
Nisab is a threshold of wealth set for acts of worship like Zakat, Sadaqat al-Fitr, and Qurban. It can also be defined as the minimum wealth required to be considered rich in Islam. A person who possesses wealth above this threshold, after deducting debts and basic needs, is considered wealthy and cannot receive Zakat or Sadaqat. If this wealth is productive and has been held for a year, Zakat must be given on it. The minimum threshold of wealth, or 'Nisab,' was determined by the Prophet Muhammad. These minimum thresholds reflect the average living standards and measures of wealth in the Islamic community at that time. According to the hadiths, the amounts for Nisab are: 80.18 grams of gold or its equivalent in money or trade goods; 40 sheep or goats, 30 cattle, 5 camels. The assets used to determine the Nisab amount were the most common measures of wealth at the time. This method of determining Nisab has been preserved in subsequent periods where social and economic conditions have not changed significantly.
Can Zakat and Fitrah be given to charity organizations?
There is no religious objection to giving Zakat and Fitrah to associations, institutions, and aid funds managed by trustworthy individuals who collect these donations in a fund and spend them solely in the areas specified in verse 60 of Surah At-Tawbah.
Is there a specific time for giving Zakat?
There is no specific time for giving Zakat; it should be given as soon as it becomes obligatory. There is no need to wait for a particular month or Ramadan. Those obliged to give Zakat should do so as soon as they become eligible.
To whom can Zakat and Fitrah be given?
The Qur'an specifies who can receive Zakat and Fitrah (Surah At-Tawbah, 60). They are: the poor, the needy, those to be freed from slavery, those in debt, those fighting in the path of Allah (those who strive to protect sacred values, those seeking knowledge), travelers, Zakat collectors, and those whose hearts are to be reconciled.
Can Zakat be given before it is due?
Like fasting and Hajj, the lunar calendar is used for Zakat. For Zakat to be obligatory, a lunar year must pass over the Nisab amount of wealth. However, if the owner wishes, they can give Zakat on their wealth that has reached the Nisab amount before it is due.
Is money saved for basic needs subject to Zakat?
Basic needs include things necessary for the safe and healthy continuation of life, such as a house, household goods, clothing, transportation, and food. If money is saved to meet these needs and a verbal or written commitment has been made to spend it on them, Zakat is not required on this money. Once a commitment has been made, the money is considered spent on basic needs. However, if there has been no such commitment, and the money reaches the Nisab amount and has been held for a year, Zakat must be given on it.