What Were Doing

Freedom Flotilla

We encountered scenes in Gaza that none of us wanted to see. We felt deeply the helplessness of the world once again. Something needed to be done. So we made a decision. We held extensive consultations. We met with many well-meaning people from around the world. We realized that our only option was to set sail in the Mediterranean with the Freedom Flotilla components, and we took action to acquire ships.


Israel, which has been imposing an embargo and blockade on Gaza for years, launched an attack on October 7, 2023. They massacred more than 35,000 civilians, over 10,000 of whom were women and children.

To date, we have delivered emergency aid to hundreds of thousands of people. However, the situation in Palestine is worsening every day.

Now, with hundreds of volunteers from 12 different countries and ships carrying 5,500 tons of humanitarian aid, we are once again setting sail in the Mediterranean to break the blockade on Gaza and to shout out Israel's oppression to the world.

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition, formed by the initiative of Civil Society Organizations from 8 different countries, is setting sail for the Mediterranean once again to break the blockade on Gaza.


The flotilla, which will include ships carrying 5500 tons of humanitarian aid and will be joined by activists from over 30 countries, aims to deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza who have been struggling with hunger and war as a result of the massacres carried out by the occupying Israeli forces since October 7th in Gaza, to permanently break the blockade on Gaza and to mobilize consciences against the silence of the world.

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is also opening applications for those who want to participate in the voyage as passengers, and will meet the demands of conscientious people who want to stand against the massacre in Gaza.


Click here to apply: ffc.breakthesiege.com