This is our public announcement regarding the Freedom Watch we have initiated.
Obstacles Against Freedom Flotilla Amid Israel's Genocide in Gaza: 'We Will Set Sail No Matter What
Obstacles Against Freedom Flotilla Amid Israel's Genocide in Gaza: 'We Will Set Sail No Matter What
Behesti Ismail Songur, President of the Mavi Marmara Association, condemned the blockade against the Freedom Flotilla, describing Israel's attacks in Gaza as genocide and stating, "States providing oil to Israel are complicit in the crime. No matter what, we will set sail from these ports."
The short film 'Maske,' which we put a lot of effort into, will be available very soon on all our so
The short film 'Maske,' which we put a lot of effort into, will be available very soon on all our so
🎞️ This film, which we have prepared in both English and Turkish versions and aim to turn into a viral video in both national and international media, will address authorities who have the will to prevent genocide but fail to act, as well as some societies that have lost their conscience and remain silent in the face of genocide.
Break the Siege ship prevented from sailing, Flotilla still determined to challenge the Blockade.
Break the Siege ship prevented from sailing, Flotilla still determined to challenge the Blockade.
The Freedom Flotilla Coalition's ships set to sail to lift the blockade have not been granted permission by the Turkish government. Despite meeting all legal requirements and the Turkish government's strong support for Palestine, intense pressure from the US, UK, and other NATO countries is believed to be the reason for the denial. The coalition continues its efforts to challenge Israel's illegal blockade on Gaza and raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis.
Why Did the US Spend $320 Million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?
Why Did the US Spend $320 Million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?
Instead of U.S. President Joe Biden marking a red line in the sand demanding that Israel allow aid into Gaza via ground transportation, his inept diplomatic team sent out a plea for help to the U.S. military.
Children Are Getting to Know Palestine through Aqsa Heroes Children's Festival
Children Are Getting to Know Palestine through Aqsa Heroes Children's Festival
At the Aqsa Heroes Children's Festival held at Istanbul's Şehzadebaşı Mosque, a fun and educational event was organized with the aim of instilling awareness of Palestine among children.