
Human Resources

Mavi Marmara Association Human Resources Mission

The mission of the Mavi Marmara Association's Human Resources is to ensure the employment of trained or to-be-trained personnel with the desired characteristics, education, and career at the right time and place to achieve the organization's goals and objectives. The unit aims to see humans at the center of the organization, strive to provide both material and spiritual satisfaction for its human resources, offer training-development and career opportunities in this direction, respect human rights and freedoms, and incorporate experts and qualified individuals in humanitarian aid. It also defines its personnel as exemplary models in social, legal, cultural, and moral aspects and mobilizes its efforts accordingly.

Mavi Marmara Association Human Resources Vision

The vision of the Mavi Marmara Association's Human Resources is to cultivate a human resource that continues humanitarian aid work and upholds human rights and freedoms without regard to religion, language, race, or sect worldwide. This resource will be exemplary in terms of knowledge, skills, abilities, and morality in its activities and will be consulted for their knowledge and experience aligned with MM's goals and mission.

Our Working Principles

  • Being a Pioneer
  • Building Bridges Between Communities
  • Being an Arbitrator
  • Being the Voice of the Oppressed
  • Contributing to the Reconstruction of a Fair World Free of Exploitation
  • Using Trusts in the Most Appropriate Manner
  • Being Transparent
  • Prioritizing Service Over Brand or Name
  • Helping Without Discrimination of Religion, Language, Race, or Sect

Core Values

  • Justice
  • Goodness
  • Freedom
  • Brotherhood
  • Trustworthiness
  • Courage
  • Solidarity
  • Sincerity
  • Morality
  • Honor
  • Respect
  • Voluntarism