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How Did the Freedom Vigil Start? What Has the Process Been Like? How Will It Continue?
The *Vicdan Ship*, an important part of the Freedom Flotilla that was supposed to set sail around 90 days ago, is currently being held at Haydarpaşa Port without any legal justification. As the official owner of the ship, Mavi Marmara Association has repeatedly tried to communicate with official authorities throughout this process. However, despite all efforts, they have been unable to secure a concrete meeting with an authorized party or receive responses to their applications.

The *Vicdan Ship*, an important part of the Freedom Flotilla that was supposed to set sail around 90 days ago, is currently being held at Haydarpaşa Port without any legal justification. As the official owner of the ship, Mavi Marmara Association has repeatedly tried to communicate with official authorities throughout this process. However, despite all efforts, they have been unable to secure a concrete meeting with an authorized party or receive responses to their applications.

On the 45th day of the *Vicdan Ship’s* detention, a peaceful demonstration was launched in front of Haydarpaşa Port in response to the unjust detention of the ship, aiming to draw public attention to the situation. It has now been 36 days since the vigil began. Initially symbolized by chains and handcuffs at the port gate, the vigil has steadily grown, attracting more and more supporters.

Throughout the demonstration, participants from various backgrounds and civil society organizations have supported the vigil by voicing their demand for the *Vicdan Ship’s* release. Prominent figures such as former Prime Minister of Turkey Ahmet Davutoğlu, HÜDA-PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu, Siyer Foundation Founder Muhammed Emin Yıldırım, and İFAM Foundation’s founding president İhsan Şenocak have lent their support to the cause. Additionally, various political parties, civil society organizations, and numerous groups advocating for the freedom of the Palestinian people have joined the Freedom Vigil.

Despite this strong support and solidarity, as the vigil reaches its 36th day, no concrete steps have been taken by the Ministry of Transport or the Ministry of Interior to allow the *Vicdan Ship* to leave Haydarpaşa Port. The Freedom Vigil continues patiently in response to this obstruction and unlawful detention.

Although two press conferences have been organized, inviting news outlets, journalists, and reporters, the lack of participation in these briefings has been notable. Nevertheless, Mavi Marmara Association continues to actively announce updates on the Freedom Vigil and its developments through our own social media channels. We remain determined to communicate the rightful cause of the *Vicdan Ship* to a wider audience via social media platforms.

At this point, we would like to state that the Freedom Vigil will continue until permission is granted for the *Vicdan Ship* to depart from Haydarpaşa Port, where it is being unlawfully held.

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