The Freedom Vigil we initiated for the Vicdan Ship continues on its 15th day.

Public Announcement!

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is a unified effort, coordinated by 12 different countries and supported by participants and volunteers from 52 nations, aiming to break the blockade imposed on Gaza and deliver humanitarian aid in response to the inhumane genocide being perpetrated by the occupying Israeli forces in Gaza. One of the Turkish partners of this coalition, the Mavi Marmara Freedom and Solidarity Association, has purchased a ship through donations to be included in the fleet following the public announcement of its mission.

According to international prison law, prisoners have four fundamental rights: access to medicine, clean water, food, and fresh air, regardless of their crimes. Looking at Gaza’s current situation, patients are dying because the passage of medicine is prohibited by Israel. The occupying forces have destroyed over 170 water pathways, pipes, wells, and channels that supply clean water to Gaza, cutting off access to safe drinking water.

By occupying the Rafah Crossing in Egypt and Gaza, they have prevented food from entering the region, causing people to starve to death.

At the same time, by dropping poisonous gases and bombs from airplanes, Israel has not only destroyed Gaza’s natural habitat but has also deprived people of their right to clean air.

Considering all these factors, Gaza has transformed from an open-air prison into a genocide camp.

The conscience of the world will no longer turn a blind eye and deaf ear to this genocide happening before its very eyes. 

Since 2006, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition has continuously pursued its mission, both legally and as a civil initiative, to end the sea blockade on Gaza and stop the genocide, pushing for a ceasefire. 

The Freedom Vigil, led by the Mavi Marmara Association, will continue until the Conscience Ship’s departure documents, which have been bureaucratically blocked without any legal justification by Turkey's Ministry of Transport, are issued.

We believe that the Ministry of Transport will cease its unlawful obstruction and avoid becoming complicit in the genocide in Gaza. 

The Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs, which are involved in the matter, are expected to provide the necessary support to the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, one of the last hopes for a ceasefire in Gaza, and send a message of solidarity with Gaza to the world. 

The Conscience Ship, owned by the Mavi Marmara Association, has fulfilled all technical, legal, and international procedures, just like the other ships in the coalition. The ship, which is waiting to set sail from Istanbul's Haydarpaşa Port, has not been able to depart due to the unlawful denial of its departure documents by the Ministry of Transport.

The first destination for the Conscience Ship is to raise awareness by visiting European ports and to meet with other coalition ships waiting at those ports.

For the past two and a half months, members of parliament, bureaucrats, doctors, emergency relief workers, search and rescue teams, journalists, and reporters from various countries around the world have been eagerly awaiting the Conscience Ship's arrival at European ports.

Unfortunately, organizations like the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the United Nations (UN), and other supranational bodies have remained politically silent and have done little more than issue condemnations in the face of the escalating genocide in Gaza, which has lasted almost a year. 

In response to this global silence, international civil society organizations with a conscience fully support the idea of sending humanitarian aid flotillas into the Mediterranean to push for a ceasefire in Gaza.



Despite attempting to submit a petition on August 8 requesting the departure of the Conscience Ship, the officials at the Istanbul Port Authority unlawfully refused to accept the petition without providing any reason.


However, on August 19, after our lawyers presented Article 3071 of the Turkish Constitution, which grants Turkish citizens the right to submit written petitions regarding themselves or the public interest to the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) and relevant authorities, the petition was finally accepted by the officials.


Since August 19, we have not received any response from the Port Authority, even though all procedures for the departure of the Conscience Ship have been completed, and there are no legal obstacles to its voyage according to maritime law.


In light of these developments, the Mavi Marmara Association has initiated the Freedom Vigil as of September 4 at Gate C of the port, protesting the unlawful detention of the Conscience Ship at Haydarpaşa Port until the Ministry of Transport issues the necessary departure documents.


Unfortunately, we are also aware that the mainstream media has imposed certain embargoes, preventing this protest from receiving the public attention and support it deserves. Despite inviting major media outlets since the beginning of the protest, our calls have gone unanswered.


Nevertheless, the Freedom Vigil continues, and we have yet to receive any response from the Ministry of Transport. If no response is forthcoming, we will continue our protest and inform the public of this situation. Additionally, security forces in the area have been briefed on the purpose of the protest and our demands. We know that the matter is on the agenda of the Ministry of Transport and are awaiting a swift response from them.

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