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Now is the Time for Global Action!
The Gaza Genocide, which began on October 7, continues with all its brutality. While this genocide persists, Zionist entities carry on their lobbying activities, gathering both financial and political support to sustain their actions.

The Gaza Genocide, which began on October 7, continues with all its brutality. While this genocide persists, Zionist entities carry on their lobbying activities, gathering both financial and political support to sustain their actions.

Zionists, through the economic structures they’ve established, force countries to serve their agenda either directly or indirectly. They achieve this through their own companies or corporate partnerships in these nations, effectively turning countries and their citizens into supporters of this genocide.

Unless we put a stop to Zionist capital, the war will continue to be financed, resulting in more lives lost in Gaza, Lebanon, and beyond. For this reason, we stand in solidarity with the National Day of Action, which includes general strikes and boycotts to halt the flow of funds to financiers. Many countries, including the U.S., the U.K., Italy, and Ireland, are joining this effort, and we invite our people to participate and lend their support.

To prevent Zionist Israel from further attacking Gaza and Lebanon, and to stop the spread of war's flames globally, we are halting work and refraining from any expenditure that would benefit Zionist lobbies from November 27 to 29.

Refuse to accept this genocide, and strike a blow to the pockets of Zionist interests! Every moment we hesitate to act, we continue to feed the Zionist serpent that will ultimately strike us as well.

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