The short film 'Maske,' which we put a lot of effort into, will be available very soon on all our so
🎞️ This film, which we have prepared in both English and Turkish versions and aim to turn into a viral video in both national and international media, will address authorities who have the will to prevent genocide but fail to act, as well as some societies that have lost their conscience and remain silent in the face of genocide.

🔴 This message is the final call of conscientious people to the authorities of the world.

🎭 To all authorities and societies who have been watching genocide for 312 days from their comfortable seats as if watching a theater play, it is now time to say, "take off the masks and take action!"

Because every moment we do not act, we continue to be complicit in genocide.


1️⃣ You can help by retweeting, favoriting, adding to your story, and informing your circle via DM on every piece of content we publish about the film's promotion.

2️⃣ After the film is released, you can ensure it reaches a wider audience by retweeting, favoriting, and adding it to your story.

3️⃣ After the film is released, if you wish, you can download the film and share it in any way you like on any platform without citing a source.

📌 We ask all people who still have a conscience to heed our call and support the dissemination of the video.

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