In Africa, which sees a thousand and one faces of poverty, we slaughter your sacrifices, aqiqa and gratitude by your power of attorney, and deliver them to those in need.
Akika Victim
Shareholder Information 1
Number of Shares
Share Price
Total Amount

Akika Victim

Regardless of the time of the year, you can donate your akika qurban and ensure that it is delivered to those in need.

What does Akika sacrifice mean?

You can donate aqiqa qurban for your new born children as a gratitude.

Is it possible to sacrifice an animal by proxy?
Akika can be sacrificed by the person himself or by proxy. The person who sacrifices by proxy can give power of attorney to someone in his/her place of residence, or he/she can give power of attorney to a person or institution in another place. The power of attorney can be given verbally or in writing, as well as by telephone, internet, fax and similar communication tools.

Where and when is my donated aqiqah sacrificed?

Your donated akika qurban is slaughtered in designated areas of urgent need between 15 and 30 days.

To whom is my aqiqah qurban I donated delivered to?

Your Akika qurban is divided into shares after slaughter and delivered to those in need in areas of urgent need, refugees, victims of war and natural disasters, orphan families, the elderly, the homeless and those in poverty.

How else can I make an Akika sacrifice donation?

Akika your sacrifice;

With the following bank account numbers

Ziraat Bank: TR71 0001 0004 8896 2606 0750 01
Albaraka Turk: TR71 0020 3000 0884 4381 0000 01

By calling 0 (212) 631 76 05
You can donate by hand by coming to our association.
(When you deposit the Akika amount through a bank or PTT, you must indicate that your donation is an "akika victim".)

How do I get the information that my Akika qurban has been slaughtered?

The slaughter information of your victim is sent to your mobile phone via SMS.